For Trade Waste

Use code TRADEXTRA30 for
30% OFF Consumer Price




For Trade Waste

  • Use code TRADEXTRA30 for
    30% OFF Consumer Price
  • Dedicated customer care support
  • Best Price Promise
  • Sign up to the APP and get a

App-solutely Effortless

Book Your Waste Collection in Seconds!

Experience the ultimate convenience with the HIPPOTRADE App, your go-to solution for effortless waste management.

Sign up instantly and navigate through a few simple steps to manage your waste needs anytime, anywhere.

Whether you're on-site or on the move, booking collections and checking the status of upcoming bookings is just a few taps away.

Apple App Store logo         Android Google Play logo

App-solutely Effortless: Book Your Waste Collection in Seconds!


Experience the ultimate convenience with the HIPPOTRADE App, your go-to solution for effortless waste management.

Sign up instantly and navigate through a few simple steps to manage your waste needs anytime, anywhere.

Whether you're on-site or on the move, booking collections and checking the status of upcoming bookings is just a few taps away.

Apple App Store logo         Android Google Play logo



Save 15% on every HIPPOBAG Product
Dedicated customer care support
Best Price Promise
Sign up to the APP and get a FREE MEGABAG

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Shane Richardson sat on a HIPPO Suzuki parked next to a HIPPO lorry

Rev Up Your Waste Removal

At HIPPO, we're not just about offering trade waste collection services; we're about speed, reliability, and excellence.

Proudly sponsoring British Superbike rider Shane Richardson, we bring the same high-octane commitment to every job, ensuring your projects stay on track and hassle-free.

Experience the thrill of efficiency with HIPPO, where we accelerate waste removal with the same passion and precision that powers Shane to the finish line.

Let's rev up your next project together, delivering results that go beyond expectations.

Rev Up Your Waste Removal

Shane Richardson sat on a HIPPO Suzuki parked next to a HIPPO lorry

At HIPPO, we're not just about offering trade waste collection services; we're about speed, reliability, and excellence.

Proudly sponsoring British Superbike rider Shane Richardson, we bring the same high-octane commitment to every job, ensuring your projects stay on track and hassle-free.

Experience the thrill of efficiency with HIPPO, where we accelerate waste removal with the same passion and precision that powers Shane to the finish line.

Let's rev up your next project together, delivering results that go beyond expectations.


It just makes sense

Tried and tested by tradesmen and installers nationwide, our HIPPOTRADE scheme offers a simple and instant waste solution at competitive prices

At HIPPO, our aim is to make it as easy, convenient and cost-effective as possible to clear the waste from your site – and with HIPPOTRADE, our service is better than ever. As a member of HIPPOTRADE, you will benefit from:

  • Reduced prices for HIPPOBAG products - HIPPOBAGs, Collections and HIPPOBAG packages
  • 15% Off full Consumer prices when you log in to your account!
  • A direct phone line with our dedicated customer services team

Why HIPPOBAGs are perfect for tradesmen

  • Simple to use and fit where skips can't 
  • Keep in the back of your van - ready when you are
  • Able to fit heavy waste in all our bag sizes

How it works


Sign up or log in

No HIPPOTRADE account yet? Signing up is easy! We need just a few details to set up your account.



See all our available prices

With instant account sign up you can select your HIPPOBAG straight away



Enjoy our solutions

Enjoy all the benefits of our HIPPOBAGs and leave the rest to us! Never wait for a skip again!

