Skip Permit Guide:
Do I Need a Permit for a Skip?

Skip Permit Guide:
Do I Need a Permit for a Skip?

The short answer is yes and no. Not very helpful, right?

The truth is that you only need a skip permit if you’re placing a skip on public property. If you have space on your own property, you won’t need to get a permit to put your skip there, because it doesn’t pose a hazard to anybody else.

The short answer is yes and no. Not very helpful, right?

The truth is that you only need a skip permit if you’re placing a skip on public property. If you have space on your own property, you won’t need to get a permit to put your skip there, because it doesn’t pose a hazard to anybody else.


Do You Need a Permit for a Skip Outside Your House?

If your skip is entirely on your property with nothing sticking out, you won’t need a permit for it. You won’t need lights, a cone, or a stamp of approval from the council, because it doesn’t pose a risk to the public.

You can have your skip placed on your driveway or on a lawn, although you should be aware that your skip hire company is not liable for damaged grass or plants.

However, if your skip isn’t 100% on your property, you will need to apply for a permit to keep it there. That goes for the dropped kerb, too: while it’s an opening to your driveway, the pavement is council property and you’re legally not allowed to block it.

Do You Need a Permit for a Skip Outside Your House?


If your skip is entirely on your property with nothing sticking out, you won’t need a permit for it. You won’t need lights, a cone, or a stamp of approval from the council, because it doesn’t pose a risk to the public.

You can have your skip placed on your driveway or on a lawn, although you should be aware that your skip hire company is not liable for damaged grass or plants.

However, if your skip isn’t 100% on your property, you will need to apply for a permit to keep it there. That goes for the dropped kerb, too: while it’s an opening to your driveway, the pavement is council property and you’re legally not allowed to block it.

Skip placed on a road needing a skip permit

Do You Need a Permit to Put a Skip on the Road?

Yes, you will need a permit to put a skip on the road. That goes for any road - public, private, single lane, or cul-de-sac: they all need a permit.

This is because it can be hazardous to place a skip on a road without safety features, and a third party needs to know so that they can take steps to keep people safe. These include traffic cones and lights to make your skip as visible as possible to traffic.

If your property is located on a housing estate, it’s possible that your road is private. In this case, you should also seek permission from the managing company before placing your skip to keep other residents safe and to avoid causing inconvenience. You should also check the compliance terms and conditions of your estate to make sure that skip placement is allowed.

Do You Need a Permit to Put a Skip on the Road?

Skip placed on a road needing a skip permit

Yes, you will need a permit to put a skip on the road. That goes for any road - public, private, single lane, or cul-de-sac: they all need a permit.

This is because it can be hazardous to place a skip on a road without safety features, and a third party needs to know so that they can take steps to keep people safe. These include traffic cones and lights to make your skip as visible as possible to traffic.

If your property is located on a housing estate, it’s possible that your road is private. In this case, you should also seek permission from the managing company before placing your skip to keep other residents safe and to avoid causing inconvenience. You should also check the compliance terms and conditions of your estate to make sure that skip placement is allowed.

Skip needing a permit on public land

Do You Need a Permit to Put a Skip on a Grass Verge?

You need a skip permit to have your skip placed on a grass verge as long as the verge is public. If it’s your own private property, feel free to place it wherever! However, grass damage is common when objects (especially solid steel objects) are placed on it for any length of time, and you should anticipate dry and withered grass.

If you get a permit to put your skip on a public grass verge, you should be aware that the local authority can charge you for damaged grass. Depending on the season, you should anticipate the death of grass if it’s covered for around a week. If you’re renting a skip for two weeks, you should budget the damaged grass charge into the total cost of your skip hire. Check with your council before saying yes to placing a skip on public land.

Do You Need a Permit to Put a Skip on a Grass Verge?

Skip needing a permit on public land

You need a skip permit to have your skip placed on a grass verge as long as the verge is public. If it’s your own private property, feel free to place it wherever! However, grass damage is common when objects (especially solid steel objects) are placed on it for any length of time, and you should anticipate dry and withered grass.

If you get a permit to put your skip on a public grass verge, you should be aware that the local authority can charge you for damaged grass. Depending on the season, you should anticipate the death of grass if it’s covered for around a week. If you’re renting a skip for two weeks, you should budget the damaged grass charge into the total cost of your skip hire. Check with your council before saying yes to placing a skip on public land.

Skip placed to side of house

Why Do You Need a Permit for a Skip?

You need a skip permit for the same reason you need a permit to close a road - public safety!

The council needs to know where road safety hazards are located in order to put up adequate signage around the area. Leaving a paper trail with the council ensures that you are not held liable for problems that may arise.

If a car hits the skip, for instance, but you followed all of the proper channels to have it placed with safety signs, you won’t suffer the same consequences you might if your skip had no permit and not notified the council.

Notifying the council also means they can plan roadworks and traffic diversions efficiently. As an example, obtaining a permit ensures skips do not disrupt any work being undertaken by utility or road maintenance companies.

Why Do You Need a Permit for a Skip?

Skip placed to side of house

You need a skip permit for the same reason you need a permit to close a road - public safety!

The council needs to know where road safety hazards are located in order to put up adequate signage around the area. Leaving a paper trail with the council ensures that you are not held liable for problems that may arise.

If a car hits the skip, for instance, but you followed all of the proper channels to have it placed with safety signs, you won’t suffer the same consequences you might if your skip had no permit and not notified the council.

Notifying the council also means they can plan roadworks and traffic diversions efficiently. As an example, obtaining a permit ensures skips do not disrupt any work being undertaken by utility or road maintenance companies.

How long a permit lasts - calendar with dates

How Long Does a Skip Permit Last?

The amount of time a skip permit lasts depends on your local council. Some councils offer permits for up to seven days, while others may offer two weeks or more. You can check with your skip hire company or your local council to find out more about your area’s permit laws.

Most councils offer a renewal service to keep your skip permit for longer periods of time. Your hire company can help you to navigate this process. It’s important to know when your permit runs out, so that your skip never goes without one leading to additional charges.

Of course, at HIPPO, we take care of the skip permit process for you and you can add a skip permit at checkout to your order.

How Long Does a Skip Permit Last?

How long a permit lasts - calendar with dates

The amount of time a skip permit lasts depends on your local council. Some councils offer permits for up to seven days, while others may offer two weeks or more. You can check with your skip hire company or your local council to find out more about your area’s permit laws.

Most councils offer a renewal service to keep your skip permit for longer periods of time. Your hire company can help you to navigate this process. It’s important to know when your permit runs out, so that your skip never goes without one leading to additional charges.

Of course, at HIPPO, we take care of the skip permit process for you and you can add a skip permit at checkout to your order.

Skip permit cost quote shown on laptop

How Much Does a Skip Permit Cost?

How much you’ll be paying for a skip permit varies depending on your local authority. Every council has different rules and prices for skip permits. If the prices aren’t listed on your local council’s website, you can call them to find out more about the costs.

How to Apply for a Skip Permit

There are 317 councils in the UK and each of them governs its own skip permits, so you can understand why we can’t tell you exactly how to apply! However, when you hire a HIPPO skip, the whole process is handled for you when you add a skip permit at checkout. There’s no need to spend an hour on hold to the local council - your skip permit will be signed, sealed and delivered.

How Much Does a Skip Permit Cost?

Skip permit cost quote shown on laptop

How much you’ll be paying for a skip permit varies depending on your local authority. Every council has different rules and prices for skip permits. If the prices aren’t listed on your local council’s website, you can call them to find out more about the costs.

How to Apply for a Skip Permit

There are 317 councils in the UK and each of them governs its own skip permits, so you can understand why we can’t tell you exactly how to apply! However, when you hire a HIPPO skip, the whole process is handled for you when you add a skip permit at checkout. There’s no need to spend an hour on hold to the local council - your skip permit will be signed, sealed and delivered.

HIPPOBAGs Do Away with the Need for a Skip Permit

HIPPOBAGs offer a versatile and convenient alternative to traditional skips, especially for avoiding the hassle of obtaining a skip permit. Unlike traditional skips that often need to be placed on public roads or pathways, a HIPPOBAG can be easily situated in front gardens or behind fences up to 6 feet high.

This flexibility often eliminates the need for a permit, simplifying the waste disposal process - though please note, a HIPPOBAG on public land or roads still requires a permit.

HIPPO drivers can often collect a HIPPOBAG from hard-to-reach places, unlike traditional skips that require ample space for placement and removal. This capability saves time and effort, making HIPPOBAGs a superior solution in many scenarios. Whether for home renovations or garden clearances, HIPPOBAGs provide a hassle-free and efficient waste disposal option.

HIPPOBAGs Do Away with the Need for a Skip Permit

HIPPOBAGs offer a versatile and convenient alternative to traditional skips, especially for avoiding the hassle of obtaining a skip permit. Unlike traditional skips that often need to be placed on public roads or pathways, a HIPPOBAG can be easily situated in front gardens or behind fences up to 6 feet high.

This flexibility often eliminates the need for a permit, simplifying the waste disposal process - though please note, a HIPPOBAG on public land or roads still requires a permit.

HIPPO drivers can often collect a HIPPOBAG from hard-to-reach places, unlike traditional skips that require ample space for placement and removal. This capability saves time and effort, making HIPPOBAGs a superior solution in many scenarios. Whether for home renovations or garden clearances, HIPPOBAGs provide a hassle-free and efficient waste disposal option.

Read our skip hire guide for a smooth skip hire experience

Skip Hire Guide


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